Improving safety for local fishermen

Adriatic LNG, in association with Consorzio Cooperative Pescatori del Polesine, committed to starting an initiative whose aim is that of safeguarding the safety and health of the Consorzio’s 1,470 members.
The collaboration has resulted in 5 defibrillators being made available to the cooperatives' fishermen, as well as personnel adequately trained in their use.
In the event of a heart attack, the readiness of first-aid operations is essential. The survival rate is in fact determined by the promptness of the defibrillation intervention. Every minute which passes from the exact moment of cardiac arrest, the chance of survival falls by 10%. Scientific data indicate that survival in cardiac arrest occurs in 46% of cases when immediate intervention with a defibrillator takes place.
The defibrillator is a lifesaving device capable of recognizing alterations in the cardiac pace and frequency and provides the heart – if necessary and possible – with an electric shock, stopping the heartbeat and subsequently resetting its pace.
«People’s health and safety are a core value for Adriatic LNG to safeguard and protect in every moment. With this new initiative we intend to confirm our closeness to the local fishing environment, and, at the same time, our commitment to promote a widespread safety culture on the Territory - reports Alfredo Balena, External Relation Director of Adriatic LNG - We wish to create long-term shared value with our local stakeholders, because we feel an active and integral component of the communities within which we operate. A role which we perform in terms of listening, comprehension of needs and concrete answer to relevant issues for the Territory».