Adriatic LNG’s outreach for Veneto affected by bad weather

Adriatic LNG takes the pitch in order to offer its help to the Veneto coastline, affected by severe weather conditions that caused difficulties to local communities.
In mid-November Venice has been hit by an exceptional high tide – the second highest in history – that resulted in considerable damages for the city, residents and economic activities, endangering the historical and artistic heritage. The bad weather stroke other coastal areas of the region, in particular the Sacca di Scardovari in Porto Tolle, where fishers’ huts, boats and piers were destroyed. The territory’s entrepreneurial activities – in particular shellfish farming, fishing and horticultural activities - are the ones that suffered most from this event.
For all these reasons Adriatic LNG has decided to support Venice and Porto Tolle City Halls through a 20,000 euros donation, aimed to send a message of sympathy to communities involved, hoping for a rapid recovery to normal conditions.