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Adriatic LNG and Le Dune together again

This year too, Adriatic LNG and "Le Dune" association renewed their partnership in favour of the safeguard and the valorization of the Archeological Park of the fossil dunes.

The announcement was made during the press conference held in Cao Marina (Donada), which was attended by Dismo Milani, the president of "Le Dune" association and Lisa Roncon of Adriatic LNG. Together with them, the deputy mayor of Porto Viro, Doriano Mancin, the local councilor Maria Laura Tessarin, Claudia Bellan, on behalf of the Sangat sports center of Porto Viro, and some teachers of the Istituto Tecnico Agrario "Munerati" of Rovigo.

The event took place together with "Yogabile", an initiative promoted by "Le Dune" in collaboration with the Sangat sports center of Porto Viro and some social cooperative associations engaged in helping disabled people in the Delta area. The initiative was aimed at showing how the combination between yoga and nature can help the health and well-being of people.

In addition to "Yogabile", the rich calendar of "Le Dune" association provides a huge variety of social, cultural, educational and sports projects realized in the Park of the fossil dunes, whose Visitors Center has been recently renovated thanks to the support of Adriatic LNG.