Adriatic LNG with “Luce sul Mare Onlus” to support education projects for people with disabilities

Adriatic LNG, the company that manages the regasification terminal off the Venetian coast, renewed its support to Luce sul Mare Onlus, an association of the Delta del Po area, engaged in the planning and development of recreational activities for people with disabilities and in giving emotional sustain to their family.
“Adriatic LNG confirms its support to local associations in giving a tangible help to people with disabilities and their families. In particular, the partnership with Luce sul Mare aims to promote integration, autonomy, wellness and skills development of boys and girls that take part of educational projects promoted and realized by the association” said Alfredo Balena, Adriatic LNG External relations manager.
Thanks to the support from Adriatic LNG, this year Luce sul Mare can maintain the traditional and successful workshop and start a new drama club. Other activities proposed are the project “Dopo di noi” - that helps boys and girls with disabilities to develop autonomy – and “Un ponte per”, that includes activities of garden therapy and gardening. This summer, Luce sul Mare brought its members to the beach thanks to “Spiagge Inclusive”, a project of inclusivity organized with ULSS 5 and CSV (Centro Servizio Volontariato) of Padova e Rovigo.