
Open Season





Notice of opening of the Annual Subscription Process (Non-Binding and Binding Phase), 2024.


Adriatic LNG opens the 2024 to offer Available multiyear LNG regasification services Capacity during the period January 2029 – December 2049, and makes here below available the following documentation: i) Regasification Code (ii) Implementing Auction Rules, (iii) Catalogue of 2024 Available Capacity (“Catalogue”), (iv) Declaration of Interest form, (v) Access Request Open Season 2024; (vi) Bid bond and (vii) Guarantee forms, (viii) Non-Foundation Capacity Agreement, (ix) Resolution n° 216/2024/R/Gas.


 2024 takes place in two phases:

  • (i) Non-Binding Phase for the accreditation of Interested Operators starting on June 20th, 2024 and ending on July 12th, 2024 at 17.00 C.E.T., and
  • (ii) Binding Phase for the submission of Annex Price to Access Requests – within the scope of each defined Session - starting on July 17th, 2024 and ending on July 31st, 2024 at 12.00 C.E.T.


For details on timing please refer to Implementing Auction Rules[1] below.


Detailed information on offered LNG regasification Available Capacity and Deviation in Excess mechanism that may apply from time to time to LNG regasification capacity subscribed are available in the Catalogue.

Interested Operators are invited to execute the Declaration of Interest form and submit the requested documentation for their accreditation.


As always, Adriatic LNG remains available to illustrate its service proposal, please contact:





Non-binding phase in a nutshell

Please find below a summary of the published rules for the non-binding phase[2].


1. Declaration of Interest – deadline and ancillary documents

Any operator interested in being accredited to partake 2024 is required to submit its Declaration of Interest, which includes confidentiality obligations, Access Request/s Open Season 2024 no later than five o'clock (5:00 p.m.) CET on July 12th, 2024.

For its accreditation, the operator must also provide appropriate supporting documentation to confirm its signee is vested with adequate powers to represent and sign any declaration, Access Request/s Open Season 2024, and any other form annex or document 2024 related on its behalf [3].


2. Bid Bond

By the same deadline above, Interested Operators are required to submit a bank guarantee or, alternatively, a non-interest bearing security deposit in the amount of Euro 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand) (together, the “Bid Bond”) to guarantee the signing of the relative Capacity Contract (if any) and the delivery of the guarantees referred to in Article 10 of Chapter III of the Regasification Code.

The Bid Bond shall remain in force until at least eight (8) Business Days after the closing of 2024 (i.e. August 6th, 2024).


3. How to sign and submit the documentation – electronic process

Declaration of Interest, Access Request/s Open Season 2024, ancillary documents and a copy of the guarantee must be sent by Interested Operators to the Operating Company at the following certified email address:


and, where a signature is needed, digitally signed using a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) certificate in PADES format or, alternatively, another similar and suitable means to meet the same requirements that will be evaluated by the Operating Company at its sole discretion.

The guarantee must be also sent in the original version in case is not digitally signed.


4. Accreditation

Following submission of documentation above, Bid Bond included, the Operating Company will assess and verify them in accordance with the criteria set out in the Regasification Code and Implementing Auction Rules.

If such verification is satisfactory, the Operating Company will notify the relative Interested Operator within two (2) Business Days that it may participate in the Binding Phase of the 2024.

Operating Company may provide accredited Interested Operators with further information relating to the Available Capacity and/or 2024.





   i.       Regasification Code

   ii.      Implementing Auction Rules

   iii.    Catalogue of 2024 Available Capacity

   iv.     Declaration of Interest Form

   v.      Access Request form Open Season 2024

   vi.     Annex Bid Bond

   vii.   Annex Guarantee Model in replacement of the Bid Bond and to cover the Capacity Agreement

   viii.  Non-Foundation Capacity Agreement

   ix.     Resolution n° 216/2024/R/Gas

   x.      Access Form to Portale Asta


[1] In case of discrepancy between this notice of opening and the Implementing Auction Rules mentioned herein, the latter shall prevail.

[2] Non-binding and binding phase rules are provided for in the Implementing auction rules [reported below]

[3] E.g: notarial power of attorney, extract from the chamber of commerce, resolution of the board of directors in Italian or English language.





Open Season 2024 is coming, Adriatic LNG proposes the Available Capacity starting from January 2029, in consideration of the operative conditions and information up to date.




The Non-Constant regasification capacity, as set forth with interministerial authorization decree No. 280 of 3 October 2023, from 0.1 to a maximum of 0.6 billion Sm3/year, is not part of the Available Capacity offered.

The Terminal Capacity is determined by considering the technical and operational limits of the Terminal, send-out capacity, Storage capacity, and the available pipeline capacity at the Cavarzere Entry Point known at the date of this publication and taking into account the number and duration of Unloading Slots.

For further clarification do not hesitate to contact us: alng_mercato@adriaticlng.it

