
Flexibility and Temporary Storage

Tariff for the Flexibility Service and Tariff for Temporary Storage Service
Tariff for the allocation of the flexibility services starting from October 2019


According to Resolution 431/2019/R/Gas, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (“Authority”) has approved tariff for the allocation of the flexibility services starting from October 2019.

The tariff for the services is composed by:
• a subscription fee (CSS) which allows to access both the Flexibility and the Temporary Storage Services; 
• an activation fee (CAS and/or CBO) of the chosen service; and
• an erogation fee (CRF and/or CRS) of the chosen service.
• Flexibility Service = CSS + CAS + CRF
• Temporary Storage Service = CSS + CAS + CBO + CRS
The CAS fee is zero, as it is included in the CSS subscription fee.
It is confirmed how to request and allocate the Flexibility Service for the day ahead and Infraday, according to the operating rules currently in place.

The CSS fee includes an initial amount based on the number of slots contracted by the User and a final adjustment based on the actual used slots.
The initial fee is determined with reference to the number of slots subscribed by each User and the total available and unallocated slots. The initial fee consists of two components:
• a  basic fee, equal to 900,000 €, in case of yearly subscription; 600.000 € in case of half-yearly subscription and 150.000€ in case of monthly subscription, to be allocated to each User based on the respective subscribed slots.
• a variable fee depending on the total available slots.
Herein is the formula for the calculation of the initial fee, valid for each User u-esimo, with regard to the period i-esimo related to the requested flexibility (yearly, half-yearly, monthly):


CSS_iniziale u,i =(q_fissa * slot_iniu,i  /slot_toti+k*slot_liberi  *  slot_iniu,i /slot_tot )  * Coef u,i

• q_fissa =
  - 900.000 € in case of yearly subscription ;
  - 600.000 € in case of half-yearly subscription and
  - 150.000 € in case of monthly subscription,

• K = 60.000 €;
• slot_tot i = total number of slots available to all Users related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• slot_ini u,i = number of slots subscribed by the User u-esimo related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• slot_liberi = number of available slots, not subscribed, related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• Coef u,i  = variable coefficient according to the different period, equal to:

i. 1 in case of yearly subscription
ii. 1,25 in case of half-yearly subscription
iii. 1,5 in case of monthly subscription
A new fee will be calculated at the end of the subscription period for each User, based on the used, subscribed or released slots (by the User and/or other Users), for the purpose of issuing the final invoice.
For each User u-esimo, it will be calculated – first – the following fee:


CSS_finaleu,i=∑ i  (q_fissa* slot_iniu,i / slot_toti +k* slot_liberi_finalii * slot_finu,i slot_toti )* Coef u,i



• q_fissa =
   - 900.000 € in case of yearly subscription ;
   - 600.000 € in case of half-yearly subscription and
   - 150.000 € in case of monthly subscription,

• slot_ini u,i = number of slots subscribed by the User u-esimo related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• slot_tot i = total number of slots available for all Users related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• k = 60.000 €;
• slot_liberi_finali i = number of slots available at the end of the subscription period, not subscribed or released by Users related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• slot_fin i = number of subscribed slots net of the slots released  by the User u-esimo related to the flexibility subscription period i-esima (yearly, half-yearly,monthly) requested by the User u-esimo;
• Coef u,i = variable coefficient according to the different period, equal to:

i. 1 in case of yearly subscription
ii. 1,25 in case of half-yearly subscription
iii. 1,5 in case of monthly subscription

Then, at the end of the period, the final fee will be calculated for each User u-esimo as the difference between the final charge and the initial charge:

CSS_conguaglio_u= CSS_finale_u -∑ i CSS_iniziale_ui


If CSS_conguaglio u< 0, Adriatic LNG will issue a credit note to the User u-esimo, for an amount equal to the value of the calculated credit.
If CSS conguagliou> 0, Adriatic LNG will issue an invoice to the User u-esimo, for an amount equal to the value of the calculated balance.

The CAS fee is zero, as it is included in the CSS subscription fee.

The variable fee payable by the User will be calculated on the absolute value of the Redelivery Program Variation of the activated flexible volumes (day ahead and intraday).

The rate to be applied will depend on the usage threshold as shown below:

Less than or equal to 33,000 MWh the tariff is 0.10 €/MWh;
greater than 33,000 MWh and less than or equal to 66,000 MWh the tariff is 0.13 €/Mwh;
greater than 66,000 MWh, the tariff is 0.18 € / MWh.

The fare must be considered for thresholds. For example, if you use 55,000 MWh of flexibility, you will have to pay the following amount:
33,000 MWh * 0,10 €/MWh + (55,000 MWh - 33,000 MWh) * 0,13 €/MWh

It is confirmed the calculation of the Boil-Off Fee based on the following formula:

CBO = Cqs x 0,05% x (Temporary Storage volumes) x (n Temporary Storage Days)

Charge review

The parameters «quota fissa», «k» and the components CRF/CRS can be reviewed yearly. Waiver: Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l. ("Adriatic LNG") is currently evaluating the effects of ARERA Resolution no. 660/2017/R/Gas and its related Annex A (TIRG) relating to long-term regasification capacity allocations (ie longer than one year). This publication cannot be understood as an acquittal of the aforementioned rules by Adriatic LNG, which reserves the right to defend its interests in appropriate locations, including the Administrative Tribunal.