A greener and more sustainable lagoon thanks to Adriatic LNG

The protection of the environment and biodiversity is a cornerstone of the culture of sustainability of Adriatic LNG, which has, in fact, decided to support the reforestation project in the area of Lio Piccolo, in the Venice lagoon.
The reforestation project, implemented in collaboration with 'WOWnature' by Etifor, a spin-off of the University of Padua, envisages the planting of new trees typical of the environment of the northern Venetian lagoon, and will achieve the triple effect of reinforcing the banks, preventing the shores from being destroyed by the tides, and increasing the phytodepuration of the water.
These trees - 650 in number, including blackthorns, poplars and junipers - will be dedicated by Adriatic LNG to its employees and stakeholders.