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Adriatic LNG Running Circuit: 8th Edition Starting Off

Adriatic LNG Running Circuit: 8th Edition Starting Off

The new edition of the Adriatic LNG Circuit, the awaited contest of the region’s running community, is starting off. The competition originates from the cooperation of Adriatic LNG with several Municipalities of Po Delta and managed by the award-winning runner Maurizio Preti.

The event, which is renewing itself year after year, will host in this edition the two-time winner of the New York Marathon, Orlando Pizzolato. During the 3rd stage of the competition, scheduled in Taglio di Po on the weekend of May 26-28, Orlando Pizzolato will hold a workshop on running techniques where he will share his experience and will conduct sports sessions open to all athletes and sport enthusiasts.

Now in its 8th edition, the Adriatic LNG Circuit confirms year after year an increasing popularity: an excellent trend that the organization expectS to replicate in 2017.

The program:

1st race, Corbola, April 25 - 10th edition of  “Su e so per i arzi d'Po"
2nd race, Porto Viro, May 7 -  21th “Correre in Pineta”
3rd race, Taglio di Po, May 28 - 40th edition of "Quattro passi per el  Tajo"
4th race, Porto Viro, July 21 - 7th edition of "Omaggio alla Serenissima"
5th race, Adria, August 18 - 21th edition of "Su e xo per i ponti"
6th race, Porto Tolle, September 3 - 14th edition of "Corri nel Delta"
7th race, Loreo, October 8, - 11th edition of “Camminata tra calli e riviere"
8th race, Cavarzere, October 16 - 10th edition of "Memorial Giampietro Banzato" with final award ceremony.