Adriatic LNG's first ESG Review Report published: the company's focus on environmental, social and governance issues

Rovigo, December 11th 2023 - 99 employees, one third from the Veneto region, 100% permanent contracts, zero accidents occurred in the last two years, 1,160 safety checks on maintenance work on operating sites, 125,000 euros for corporate social responsibility projects with the involvement of 19 associations and initiatives supported in the territory*: these are the most relevant data of the first Annual Environmental, Social and Governance Review Report of Adriatic LNG, the company that operates the offshore regasification terminal off the Veneto coast, a strategic facility for the supply of LNG (liquefied natural gas).
Since 2022, Adriatic LNG has started a path to strengthen and integrate sustainability into its business model, involving both internal and external stakeholders. It has also made explicit its priority sustainability targets, which represent a real commitment to the achievement of 9 of the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda ("SDGs").
As the operator of Italy's leading liquefied natural gas regasification terminal, Adriatic LNG contributes to accompanying the country towards a sustainable energy transition for businesses and households, guaranteeing its customers a safe, reliable and competitive infrastructure.
The ESG Review Report is a first step on a path towards sustainability, which is part of Adriatic LNG's values: "At the center of our strategy is the desire to help build a fairer and more inclusive society, while protecting the environment in which we live," comments Alfredo Balena, Director of External Relations at Adriatic LNG.
As proof of its commitment to sustainability, Adriatic LNG has renewed its corporate logo, introducing the color green to evoke the environmental compatibility of natural gas as well as emphasizing the company's way of operating with responsibility and respect for the surrounding ecosystem. Among the pillars of the company's Mission ("Be safe and reliable while protecting the environment and maximizing value for all stakeholders"), Adriatic LNG has explicitly included sustainability, an approach fundamental for tackling current and future global challenges, and not only regarding the environment.
“Being a world class LNG terminal, enabling energy supply to Italy and Europe is our Vision that inspires all the people who work with us, and in recent years we have given concrete answers to the need to expand the country's energy supply sources. As far as the relationship with the territory is concerned, for the Province of Rovigo and the Veneto region, Adriatic LNG has created continuous opportunities for economic and employment development, maintaining a constant and constructive dialogue with the local communities." Alfredo Balena continues.
Among its recent initiatives in favor of environmental protection and emissions reduction, Adriatic LNG has joined the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP 2.0), the main reporting and mitigation programme for the oil and gas sector within the United Nations Environment Programme ('UNEP'). This is a voluntary initiative by the United Nations aimed at assisting companies in improving the quality and accuracy of methane emissions reporting, essential for targeted mitigation efforts. Adriatic LNG, by joining OGMP 2.0, will implement an action plan in line with the criteria established by the Protocol.
Adriatic LNG's commitment is to continue the path of sustainability by integrating it to an ever-increasing extent into its business model, while continuing to report and share its progress. "We will continue to work with responsibility, transparency and dedication - together with our stakeholders - to combine technological innovation with operational excellence, safety with integrity, respect for the environment with dialogue with communities. In pursuing these objectives, we will continue to focus on the enhancement of our human capital, which represents the added value of the company," - concluded Balena.
* Data as of 2022