adriaticlng_ rigassificazione_servizi_terminale

Guidelines & Clarifications


Deviation beyond the Technical Deviation during unloading phase: clarification

With regard to the quantities of LNG unloaded, it is reminded that pursuant to the Regasification Code Chapter II art. 3.3.1, the User must provide no later than the 16th (sixteenth) day of the month preceding the month of Unloading a schedule which is the good faith best estimate of the quantity of LNG that will actually be unloaded.

Only during the unloading phase is allowed, without previous request from the User pursuant to points 1.1 or 1.2 of the notes published respectively on 09/24/2021 for the Open Season 2021 and on 06/06/2022 for the Open Season 2022, as integral part of the related commercial offers*, a technical deviation up to a maximum value of 3 (three) %, applicable to the last scheduled volume of LNG, compatibly with the technical requirements of the Terminal (“Technical Deviation”). This exceeding quantity must be duly and promptly justified.

The Unloading of a quantity of LNG exceeding the Technical Deviation must be requested pursuant to points 1.1 or 1.2 above and is not permitted without the positive feedback of the Operating Company.

It is clarified that if the User who has not been allowed a Deviation 10% or an Extra Deviation by the Operating Company, unloads LNG beyond the threshold of the Technical Deviation with respect to the quantities of LNG scheduled pursuant to the Regasification Code at Chapter II art. 3.3. 1, the User shall pay the following fees on the entire deviation from the contractual LNG volume, without prejudice to the other costs referred to in the Regasification Code:

a) on the quantity of contractual LNG: the allocation price;

b) on the quantity of LNG (lcm) exceeding the contractual quantity of LNG: the allocation price + 10 (ten) % of the Contracted price per unit of volume of LNG (cqs fee approved by the Authority and published by the Operator) equal to: 2.012 (two point zero twelve) €/m3 of LNG starting from 1/1/2023, until 12/31/2023;

c) opportunity cost of the unavailability and allocation costs of the Flexibility Service (valued from time to time, communicated by the Operating Company to the User at the time of replying to the deviation request and applied to all Users under the same conditions) within the limits of the maximum charge for the ancillary service.

The terms referred to in this communication have the meaning attributed to them in the Regasification Code.

*The commercial offer is limited to the 2021 and 2022 Open Seasons.



(Non binding English version)

Deviation in excess on contractual / scheduled / discharged volumes –for Thermal Year 2022/2023

Adriatic LNG provides that, similarly to the provisions for Spot Users (ref. Chap. III art. 8.12.1 letter b) of the Regasification Code) and to maximize the utilization of the Available Capacity, a deviation in excess of the volume of LNG per Slot subscribed may be allowed by the Operating Company to Continuous Users under conditions.

Interested Users are invited to contact us at the following address: alng_mercato@adriaticlng.it


1) Foreseeable deviations and timing for the request:

1.1)  Deviation up to 10 (ten)% of the volume of LNG subscribed of a single Slot ("Deviation 10%"), shall be requested by the User at the latest by the fifth (5) business day prior to the start of the Unloading Slot.

1.2) Deviation of more than 10 (ten)% of the volume of LNG subscribed of a single Slot ("Extra Deviation") shall be requested by the User no later than the 16th (sixteen) day of the Month preceding the Month of Unloading.


2) Conditions:
The conditions to be met to grant the Deviation 10% or the Extra Deviation are:

  • no effects on the Subscribed Capacity and / or Redelivery of other Users; and / or
  • no effects on the Flexibility Service subscribed by the Users of the Flexibility Service; and / or
  • compatibility with the safe and reliable Terminal operations; and / or
  • compliance with the Regulations.

The Operating Company will assess whether or not the aforementioned conditions are satisfied and will provide feedback to the User.


3) Charges:

3.1) Deviation 10%, the following charges apply:

a) on the contractual quantity of LNG: the allocation price;

b) on the quantity of LNG (lcm) exceeding the contractual quantity of LNG within the limit of 10%: the allocation price.

The charges a) and b) will be invoiced without prejudice to the other costs provided for in the Regasification Code.

The reference volume for the purpose of determining the charge will be the greater value between the last scheduled quantity of LNG per article 3.3 of Chapter II of the Regasification Code and the quantity of LNG unloaded.

3.2) Extra Deviation, the following charges apply cumulatively:

a) on the contractual quantity of LNG: the allocation price;

b) on the quantity of LNG (lcm) exceeding the contractual quantity of LNG: the allocation price + 10 (ten)% of the cqs fee approved by ARERA and published by the Operating Company, for example:


  • From January 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022 : 2,628 €/m3 GNL;
  • From January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023 : 2,012 €/m3 GNL.

c) opportunity cost of the unavailability and allocation costs of the Flexibility Service (valued from time to time, communicated by the Operating Company to the User at the time of  the feedback on the request for an Extra Deviation and applied to all Users in the same conditions) within the limits of the maximum tariff for the ancillary service.


4) Technical deviation in excess:

Pursuant to the Regasification Code, the User shall provide a schedule that is the best estimate in good faith of the quantity of LNG that will be actually Unloaded no later than the 16th (sixteenth) day of the Month preceding the Month of Unloading.

4.1) During the Unloading phase, a technical deviation up to a maximum value of 3 (three)% will be allowed, applicable to the last scheduled volume of LNG per article 3.3 of Chapter II of the Regasification Code, if compatible with the technical requirements of the Terminal ("Technical deviation") and must be duly and promptly justified by the User. The Unloading of a quantity of LNG higher than the Technical deviation shall be requested by the User per points 1.1 or 1.2 above and is not permitted without the positive feedback of the Operating Company

4.2) A User who has been allowed a Deviation 10% and unloads LNG beyond the threshold of the Technical deviation must pay the charges provided for the Extra Deviation on the whole quantity in excess from the last scheduled quantity per article 3.3 of Chapter II of the Regasification Code without prejudice to the other costs referred to in the Regasification Code


The terms referred to in this communication have the meaning attributed to them in the Regasification Code.





The LNG regasification capacity increases from 8 to 9 billion Smc / Year of natural gas.

Adriatic LNG has been authorized to increase LNG regasification capacity from 8 to 9 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition - with Decree 4 issued on March 15, 2022 - verified the compliance with the environmental conditions of the Directorial Decree of exclusion from the VIA no. 297 of 18 August 2021.

The increase in LNG regasification capacity is done with the optimization of operating conditions, without any structural changes compared to the current operational structure.



(Non binding English version)

Guidelines – Infra - Annual auctions - deadline for delivery of offers

We remind our kind potential customers that, pursuant to the Implementing Auction Rules for the allocation of the Infra-Annual Capacity, the delivery deadline for the offers is 2.30 pm C.E.T. on the day of the auction. Pursuant to article 4.2 last § of the same rules “(…), to determine the exact date and time of the delivery of the documentation to the Operating Company, the "download date" on the PEC platform of the Operating Company will be taken as evidence." (bold added). Therefore, given that the time between the sending of the offers and their download by the PEC is not under the control of Adriatic LNG, potential customers (and in particular those who do not have a certified email so-called PEC for sending) are invited not to wait the last deadline for submitting their offers. It is recommended to send the offers at the latest at 2.20 pm C.E.T.