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Suppliers Database

Adriatic LNG is looking for suppliers of services and materials with experience in Oil & Gas, Energy, and Chemistry with particular emphasis on companies with references in offshore activities and cryogenic gases. Interested companies must complete the REGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE to the database and specify the product classes of interest. The correct and full completion of the questionnaire is valuable for the creation of the database.

Following a competitive bidding process Adriatic LNG will contract out the main required services through multi-annual contracts with the aim to establish lasting relationships with its suppliers. Before starting any activity of pre-qualifying/bid, Adriatic LNG will consult the database to determine which companies to contact. The completion of the registration questionnaire is the first step to participate in the opportunities offered by the Company.
Filling in the questionnaire does not imply in any case that the company will be involved in a qualification process, or will be placed in any lists for tendering for services relating to product classes indicated by the Company.

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