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We acknowledge receipt of your directive pursuant to art. 13 of Italian law no.196/03 relating to the Questionnaire on qualification, aimed at providing a fair and objective assessment of our abilities/potentiality, in order to be enlisted among possible suppliers for your plants. We are aware that the communication of the data as stated in the REGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE is optional and any eventual failure to provide data shall not have further consequences other than the inability of TERMINALE GNL ADRIATICO srl to proceed with the aforestated purposes. Additionally, we acknowledge that all data therein collected shall be communicated by electronic means and that they shall be utilised by ExxonMobil for the purposes envisioned. In virtue of the above WE EXPRESS our awareness of the provisions of Italian law 30.6.2003, no.196. Within the sphere of and for the conditions as above and pursuant to article 23 of Italian law 196/03, WE CONSENT to the treatment of the data provided for the execution of the purposes mentioned by TERMINALE GNL ADRIATICO srl. It is granted that such consent is conditional to compliance with the provisions of applicable legislation.


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