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Procedure - Requisiti delle Navi Metaniere

Adriatic LNG mette a disposizione la seguente documentazione relativamente all’accettazione delle navi metaniere e regole operative marittime presso il Terminale :

  • Cargo Handling Manual (disponibile su richiesta dell’Utilizzatore)



EC Directive 33/2005 applicability to LNG Carriers calling at the ALNG Terminal


Reference is made to the EC Directive n 33/2005 as regards the sulphur content of marine fuel implemented in Italy in article 295 of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006 (Testo Unico Ambientale) (“Legislative Decree”).

As part of the LNG Carrier vetting process and with effect from 1st Jan 2010, all the LNG carriers calling at the Adriatic LNG Terminal must comply with the provisions of the Legislative Decree.


Each ship Master shall procure to ALNG prior to each LNG Carrier arrival on or after January 1st 2010 at 0.00 C.E.T. (i) written confirmation (email or fax) to use marine fuels with a sulfur content not exceeding the thresholds provided in the Legislative Decree whenever they are alongside the ALNG Terminal and (ii) the procedures the LNG Carrier is going to follow with regards to compliance with the above Legislative Decree.”


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