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Via Ruzzina – National Painting Contest

Renato Vitali wins the Special Section Adriatic LNG award “Clean Energy: wishing to colour the World”. The prize will be given today Saturday 12 in Adria during National Painting contest 2011 “Via Ruzzina”, promoted by Pro Loco Adria and Franceschetti - Di Cola Foundation, under the patronage of local municipality and Adriatic LNG as main sponsor.

It is the third year for Adriatic LNG to promote “Via Ruzzina” contest, and from this edition it has been created a special section dedicated to Energy for participants to cope with.

Adria’s Municipality Cultural Commission - formed by Andreina Nonnato an architect and art teacher, Gabbris Ferrari, artist and University teacher, Claudio Lorenzi, member of the board of Franceschetti - Di Cola Foundation – has awarded the Adriatic LNG prize to the work by Renato Vitali on the following motivation: "The work distinguish itself for its spontaneous touch and overall harmony. The quality of painting support the abstraction in a witty and clever way that gives a very elegant result".

The work will be displayed at Franceschetti-Di Cola Foundation until Friday November 18.

Supporting Adria’s National Painting contest 2011“Via Ruzzina ”, Adriatic LNG renovate its commitment to the promotion of cultural, social, sport and entertaing life of Polesine. Amongst other cultural event supported in the area so far we recall Porto Viro’s Book Fair, Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo and the organization of the “Families at the museum” initiative. On the social side, Adriatic LNG has been main sponsor of “Vado Sicuro” didactic contest by the Counsellor of young policies of the Rovigo Province. As far as sports are concerned Adriatic LNG supported the Adriatic LNG running contest, the female 6 Nations rugby championships and the ciclying Interational Coppi-Bartali Week. Especially for its role in promoting and supporting Rovigo’s sport life, Adriatic LNG has been awarded the “Amici dello Sport” prize for the second time

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