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Via Ruzzina: Special Adriatic LNG Award goes to “Transito” by Marco Camporese

Marco Camporese with his painting “Transito” is the winner of the Special Section Adriatic LNG award 2015. The prize has been delivered in Adria Saturday, October 17 during the national painting contest “Via Ruzzina”, an art event that Adriatic LNG has been sponsoring for 6 years.
Adriatic LNG support to the art contest “Via Ruzzina” has become even more intense since 2011, when a special section, named after the company, was introduced.
Each year, Adriatic LNG challenges artists with a new theme related to energy. The subject of the 2015 edition was a company’s significant achievement the “400 LNG carriers arrived at the Adriatic LNG Terminal”.
The judging panel has awarded the Adriatic LNG prize with the following motivation: "Transito" is a very interesting work, which thanks to a wide-angle vision and a clever play of lights evoking a science fiction movie, celebrates human inventiveness and creativity and is able to recall the section title launched by the Company.
The work that has won the Adriatic LNG special prize, together with other competing paintings, will be exhibited at the and Franceschetti e Di Cola Foundation until October

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