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Vado Sicuro: Adriatic LNG on the frontline for safety

Adriatic LNG, the company that manages the off-shore regasification terminal of Porto Viro, is supporting for the seventh consecutive year “Vado Sicuro’ (“Go Safe”), a safety road project developed by the Province of Rovigo that promotes responsible behaviors on the road among children and students of nursery, primary and secondary schools. The initiative aims at providing information about the risks related to incorrect behaviors and increasing the knowledge and awareness of the meaning of the rules so that young people become aware of the community they live in.

The project has reached the12th edition and has already involved 50 schools and thousands of students in Polesine. Road safety remains a priority and requires a daily effort through education and information, and on the frontline for safety, there is once again Adriatic LNG.

Schools participating to ‘Vado Sicuro’ will also take part in the associated competition, which will give the students the chance to describe “Safety” through a variety of languages. Nurseries and primary schools can present graphic, plastic and multimedia works on the topic: “On the road… we respect rules!”. Secondary schools are going to produce graphic works such as comics, multimedia works and texts (poems – rap lyrics – tales) about the topic “On the road: we are driven by intelligence and responsibility”. Works must be submitted by April 15 (for further information:

By contributing to the ‘Vado Sicuro’ project, Adriatic LNG renews its commitment to Polesine’s territory, which includes meetings aimed at strengthening the knowledge about safety, donations of technical equipment or first aid tools for Civil Defense.

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