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The fourth edition of the Adriatic LNG running circuit

The fourth edition of the Adriatic LNG running Circuit has started on Sunday April 28 with the firs event “Su e Zò per i arzi d’Po”.

The event is supported by the Rovigo Province and was born from the cooperation between Adriatic LNG and 6 municipalities in the Polesine area – Porto Viro, Adria, Corbola, Taglio di Po, Porto Tolle e Loreo – plus the Cavarzere municipality (Venice).

The second event of the Circuit “Correre in Pineta” is schedules on May 5 at Porto Viro, “Quattro passi per el tajo” third event at Taglio di Po will be on May 26, while Porto Viro will be again under the spot light on August 2 with the “Omaggio alla Serenissima” event followed by Adria on August 23 with “Su e xo per i Ponti”. Porto Tolle will host the 6th stage “Corri nel Delta” on September 8 and nearly one month later, on October 6 at Cavarzere, there will be the “Memorial Gianpietro Banzato”. The last stage will be “Camminata tra calli e riviere” at Loreo on October 13.

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