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Presentation of the results of the environmental monitoring for the onshore part of the Adriatic LNG pipeline

During a public meeting, scheduled in Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo on July 20th at 10am, the results of the environmental assessment related to the animal and plant life around the onshore part of the gas pipeline will be presented, including coastal and agricultural areas, lagoons and valleys.

The multi-year monitoring plan was conducted by Sagittaria Association and started in 2006, continuing up to the end of 2010 and analyzed both the design and construction phase of the pipeline, and the commissioning phase of the regasifier.

Angelo Zanellato, President of Consvipo, representatives of Rovigo Province, Danilo Trombin, Information and Environmental Education at Sagittaria Association, Carlo Mangia, Technical Manager of Adriatic LNG and Adriano Gambetta, Shore Base Manager of Adriatic LNG will attend

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