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ChioggiaVela: first Adriatic LNG Cup

For the second consecutive year Adriatic LNG has sponsored “ChioggiaVela” the sailing event organized together with the Municipality of Chioggia, Pro Loco and Circolo Nautico Chioggia that took place between Friday 25 and Sunday 27 September. In ChioggiaVela, Adriatic LNG finds its core values: respect and passion for the sea, promotion of local territory and a means of engagement and personal growth.

A special attention has been paid to the most fragile individuals; in fact on Sunday 27, also the crew “Maramao” has won a place on the podium. The crew, since May, has been accompanying a group of disabled children through an introductory sailing course with more than 400 students coming from local primary schools.

Adriatic LNG’s support has become even more tangible in the 2015 edition thanks to the introduction of a cup named after the Company. The first sailor to win the Adriatic LNG Cup was Ugo Bolzonaro with its ship “Onda Vagabonda” who established himself as the absolute winner of ChioggiVela.
v At the end of the competition, Mayor Giuseppe Casson, on behalf of the Municipality of Chioggia, has delivered a plaque to Adriatic LNG for its essential contribution to the organization of the event.

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