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La Fenice Theatre and Adriatic LNG together for “Andante con gioco”

"Andante con gioco" is a positive example of cooperation between a cultural foundation and a private company, both driven by the desire of contributing to the music education of young children. An interactive exhibition designed for kids of preschools and primary schools, “Andante con gioco” is an innovative project for Veneto Region, which is proposed by La Fenice Theatre of Venice thanks to the support and partnership of Adriatic LNG.

The exhibition, set up at “Museo dei Grandi Fiumi” in Rovigo, will be open to local schools from November 11th to November 20th. Educators from music teaching courses of “Conservatorio F. Venezze” of Rovigo, coordinated by the education&multimedia team of Fondazione Teatro La Fenice, will guide kids through an interactive exhibition where music installations reproduce the sounds of the marine world. The exhibition, free for everyone, will also be open on Saturday and Sunday to allow kids to visit the exhibition with their families.

Local schools have shown a great interest in "Andante con Gioco": more than 15 schools and a totoal of 1,000 kids have requested to visit the exhibition. After Rovigo, the event will move to the city of Venice where it will be hosted in La Fenice Theatre from December 13th to 16th.

The Councillor of Culture and Sport of Rovigo, Andrea Donzelli, the Superintendent of Teatro La Fenice, Cristiano Chiarot and Alfredo Balena for Adriatic LNG formally opened the exhibition on November 10th

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