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The running race "Circuito Adriatic LNG" is starting

The second edition of the running race called "Circuito Adriatic LNG" is about to start on May 8th from Porto Viro, in Rovigo province. The event, promoted by Rovigo Province, is organized by 7 Municipalities in Polesine: Adria, Corbola, Taglio di Po, Porto Viro, Porto Tolle, Rosolina e Loreo and features Adriatic LNG as main sponsor. The circuit is composed by 7 races, starting from May 2011 up to October. The first running race in the circuit will be “Correre in Pineta”, scheduled in Porto Viro and now in its 15th edition.

Among the most followed event of the Circuit is the Half-Marathon in Albarella on September 25th, on a 21.1 km long track in the amazing landscape of Albarella island . The last and final race will be in Loreo, October 9th, when the winners in all categories will be awarded.

“We sponsored and gave our name to the Circuit"- said Adriano Gambetta, Shore Base Manager- "because we consider it a special sport event, involving the whole community in Polesine. We believe it represents another opportunity to make very well known the area in which we operate. We strongly feel part of this territory and I wish to thank all the institutions involved, most of all Delta Po River’s City Councils and the Province of Rovigo, for their contribution to complete this outstanding project.”

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