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Adriatic LNG at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference in Ravenna

Adriatic LNG will take part in the 10th edition of the Offshore Mediterranean Conference (OMC), a leading event in the oil & gas industry, in Ravenna from March 23rd to March 25th.

Adriatic LNG is sponsoring the Best Papers/Poster Award Lunch, which will take place on the last day of the Conference, Friday March 25th.

“Adriatic LNG is pleased to support this prestigious Conference whose objectives, promoting scientific and technological developments as well as education and professional opportunities for young engineers and technicians, are aligned with ours.” – says Alistair Routledge, Adriatic LNG’s Managing Director – “We operate the first ever offshore concrete gravity base LNG terminal, a technological innovation that sets new standards for safety, environmental protection and energy efficiency. We are proud to contribute to Italian energy diversity and security”.

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