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Adriatic LNG at the EU Sustainable Energy Week

Adriatic LNG will take part in the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) supporting the Veneto association, called NordEstSudOvest, which - in partnership with European Union, Minister of Environment, Venice Municipality and Venice Province - is promoting several initiatives and events in Mestre (Venice) from April 9th to April 17th.

EUSEW aims for increasing energy efficient policies and practices and supporting the most innovative technologies on renewables.

Adriatic LNG will also participate in a conference about Veneto Region’s Best Practices in the energy market and it will take place on 12 April in Mestre. It will be another opportunity to highlight the Adriatic LNG Terminal as a unique infrastructure and a strategic resource for our Country which operates with the highest standard of safety and environmental protection.

“We are pleased to support the EU Sustainable Energy Week in the Veneto Territory and are proud to contribute to a safe and sustainable energy future for Italy” – said Alistair Routledge, Adriatic LNG’s Managing Director.

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