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Adriatic LNG Special Prize Goes To Pietrangelo Buttafuoco

Pietrangelo Buttafuoco wins Adriatic LNG special prize that will be given tomorrow Saturday November 5 at 5 pm in the new venue of Porto Viro’s Public Library during the 12th edition of the Bok Fair, sponsored by Adriatic LNG.

According to the Cultural Commission of the City of Porto Viro it has been decided to give this award to the journalist and writer, Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, for the following reasons:

“Buttafuoco, amongst the most elegant and educated writers in Italy of the last twenty years, is a sharp and ironic observer of our times. The prize acknowledges his commitment in going to the heart and in depth – both as a journalist and in his novels, exploring the different points of views that make our society. We accredit his courage in analysing and cope with – by mean of energy, competency and respect – the positions of those who appears to be irreconcilable and destined to incommunicado. The sort of courage we appreciated in his first novel “Le Uova del Drago” dedicated to the conflicts that tore his home land Sicily, or in "L'ultima del diavolo", where the encounter and strike of two cultures, muslim and catholic, is displayed, till the recent "Fimmini" dedicated to different female figures of the last 40 years of our culture and history. Pietrangelo Buttafuoco has a gift for narration that does not only charm us for atmosphere and tales for the strength of presenting strong characters completely “human” in their uncertainties and limitations given by their lives and beliefs, no matter right or wrong they might be".

Supporting Porto Viro’s Book Fair, Adriatic LNG renews its commitment to the promotion of the cultural, social and sporting life of Polesine. Amongst other cultural event supported in the area so far we recall Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo and the organization of the “Families at the museum” initiative. On the social side, Adriatic LNG has been main sponsor of “Vado Sicuro” educational contest by the Counsellor of young policies of the Rovigo Province. As far as sports are concerned Adriatic LNG supported the Adriatic LNG running contest, the female 6 Nations rugby championships and the cycling International Coppi-Bartali Week. In recognition of its role in promoting and supporting Rovigo’s sporting life, Adriatic LNG has been awarded the “Amici dello Sport” prize for the second time.

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