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July 2016


Spot Capacity Subscription July 2016 – update
Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

This is to inform that the Spot Capacity Subscription as per the publication dated 22nd of June 2016 is closed (slot 7-9 July 2016) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Spot Capacity Subscription – Thermal Year 2015/2016 – July 2016
Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Adriatic LNG (the “Operating Company” or “Adriatic LNG”) makes the following Spot regasification Capacity available for subscription for the month of July 2016:

Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot Scheduled Arrival Range Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)(*) Indicative Redelivery Period (**) Indicative daily redelivery Profile (“Indicative Redelivery Profile”)(***) First phase: Deadline for the Access Request Second phase: First-come-first-served
7 – 9 July
7 – 8 July 2016 145.000 7 – 28 July 2016 Daily Spot Redelivery Profile 7_9 July - 1 July 2016

(*) Adriatic LNG may provide LNG temporary storage capacity to Users who (i) have signed a Spot Capacity Contract and (ii) have signed the Temporary Storage Service using the model published on the Adriatic LNG website.

For any requests or information related to any Volume available in Temporary Storage, Number of Days of Temporary Storage and the maximum daily quantity of Gas to be redelivered, please contact:

- Roberta Pirotta (tel. +39 02 6369 8569 -

- Richard Dahm Gazzola (tel. +39 02 6369 8572 -

(**) This period can change based on the Access Request delivery date, with the aim to guarantee an efficient management of the Terminal, the tanks and the send out, as foreseen by the Regasification Code.
(***) Adriatic LNG in any case reserves the right to change the redelivery Profile for both technical and/or operating reasons according to the Regasification Code and if requested by the Applicant to which the Spot Capacity has been allocated. In this last case, except for what provided in the paragraph (c) - Chapter II.2.2 of the Regasification Code, the Applicant’s request will be accepted only if it’ll be technical and/or operating feasible. Please note that the closer the Access Request is delivered to the last date for Acceptance (see points 3 and 4 below) the higher the probability of a change in the Indicative Redelivery Profile.

This publication in conjunction with conditions published under » Rules are an integral and substantial part of the capacity offer under the Spot Subscription process.

Copy of the above publications must be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and be delivered in conjunction with the Access Request.


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