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July 2016


Thermal Year 2015/2016 – Monthly Capacity Subscription: Conclusion of July Monthly Subscription Process and information on the next Spot subscription

Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Adriatic LNG has received no requests by the deadline of 17:00 CET of Friday the 1st of July 2016 Monthly Capacity Subscription process. The allocation procedure of the following Spot Capacity will be opened starting from July 22nd  2016 at 17:00 CET and subject to potential changes of the unloading slots dates, as mentioned below. The indicative redelivery profile will be published within this date.

Volume of LNG (Liquid m3) Number of Unloading Slot/Period of Unloading
145.000 for each Unloading Slot One Slot 16 – 18 August 2016 (1)

(1). The Unloading Slot and the Released Capacity may be reclaimed during the period between July 4th and 15th 2016. Requests of the Users to exchange only an Unloading Slot with this Unloading Slot must be delivered by way of written notice to the Operating Company during the period between July 4th and 15th 2016.


Monthly Capacity Subscription – Subscription Month July 2016 - Thermal Year 2015/2016

Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Terminale Gnl Adriatico (the "Operating Company" or “Adriatic LNG”) makes available for subscription the following Released Capacity during the month of July 2016:

Volume of LNG (Liquid m3) Number of Unloading Slot/Period of Unloading
145.000 One Slot 16 – 19 September 2016(*)

(*) The Unloading Slot and the Released Capacity may be reclaimed during the period between August 4th and 16th 2016. Requests of the Users to exchange only an Unloading Slot with this Unloading Slot must be delivered by way of written notice to the Operating Company during the period between August 4th and 16th 2016.

Any possible change of the Capacity Availability in the case of Slots exchange and/or reclaim of Released Capacity will be published on this website within one working day from the receipt of the Reclaim Declaration and/or of the Request of Unloading Slot dates exchange.

This publication in conjunction with conditions published under» Rules are an integral and substantial part of the capacity offer under the Monthly Subscription process.
Copy of the above publications must be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and be delivered in conjunction with the Access Request.


Monthly Capacity Subscription – Subscription Month July 2016 - Thermal Year 2015/2016

Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Adriatic LNG makes available during the month of July 2016 the following Available Capacity:

Thermal Year (TY) Number of Slots Volume of LNG (Liquid m3) Month Unloading Slot Period Redelivery Period

1 65.000 August 2016 (1) 14 - 15 In accordance with the Regasification Code:
-The Gas Redelivery will start on the first Day of the Month;
-The Operating Company will redeliver Gas every Day to the  Continuous User with the most flat profile possible
2015/2016 1 145.000 August 2016 (2) 16-18 In accordance with the Regasification Code:
-The Gas Redelivery will start on the first Day of the Month;
-The Operating Company will redeliver Gas every Day to the  Continuous User with the most flat profile possible


(1) Requests of the Users to exchange only an Unloading Slot with this Unloading Slot must be delivered by way of written notice to the Operating Company during the period between July 4th and 7th 2016.
(2) The Unloading Slot and the Released Capacity may be reclaimed during the period between July 4th and 16th 2016. Requests of the Users to exchange only an Unloading Slot with this Unloading Slot must be delivered by way of written notice to the Operating Company during the period between July 4th and 16th 2016.

This publication in conjunction with conditions published under » Rules are an integral and substantial part of the capacity offer under the Monthly Subscription process.

Copies of the above publications must be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and be delivered in conjunction with the Access Request.


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