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July 2010


Thermal Year 2009/2010 - Monthly Capacity Subscription - Update July 2nd 2010: Conclusion of June Monthly Subscription Process. 
Adriatic LNG has received no requests by the deadline of 17:00 GMT Thursday July 1st 2010 for the July 2010 Monthly Capacity Subscription process. The Regasification Capacity for the month of August 2010 will be made available for subscription on a spot basis according to the procedure described in the Provisional Access Code which is included on this site. Spot capacity available for subscription and rules will be available  on the Adriatic LNG website at:
en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Capacity Subscription > Spot Capacity



Monthly Capacity Subscription – Subscription Month July 2010 - Thermal Year 2009/2010 

- Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding) - 

In accordance with the procedure described in the Monthly Capacity Subscription process of the Provisional Access Code, during the month of June Adriatic LNG Terminal (the "Operating Company") makes available for subscription the following capacity:


Unloading Slot 

Volume of LNG (Liquid m3) 

5-8 August 2010 (*)


21-24 August 2010 (*)


7-9 September 2010


(*) Released Capacity made available


The applicable tariff is the tariff for the continuous regasification service published on the Operating Company Web site with the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Continuous regassification service


Access Requests must reach us by registered mail or fax no later than 1st July 2010 at 17:00 C.E.T. at the following address:


Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l
Piazza Repubblica 14/16
20124 Milano (MI), Italy
Fax +39.02.63698213
Monthly Subscription capacity allocation procedure
Att. Dr. Stefano Grassi


If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 3 (three) business days from 1st July 2010.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.

Any application shall be binding, irrevocable and unconditional until 23:59 of 14th July 2010.


The Operating Company shall notify the results to the applicants including an Acceptance, a Modified Acceptance, an Interim Notice or notice of rejection as the case may be, on or before the 5th July 2010. All the relevant documentation, including inter alia the contents of the Access Request, the Access Conditions and the Subscription Allocation Criteria are described in the applicable regulation and the Provisional Access Code (codice di accesso provvisorio) and in particular in Appendix (a), at point b) of article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and article 10.1 of Chapter III.


The capacity agreement and the Provisional Access Code which is an integral part of the capacity agreement are available at the following link:Provisional Access Code Acrobat  (1) The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

(1) Provisional Access Code

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the access code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23 May 2000 no. 164.  The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the access code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23 May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the provisional access code.


The regulations of the access code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the capacity contract and will apply to the capacity contract as described therefore, after approval of the access code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the access code will replace the Provisional Access Code.


The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the capacity offer under the Monthly Subscription process.

All defined terms are in accordance with the Provisional Access Code.



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