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Spot capacity

In this section we publish the spot regasification capacity made available for spot capacity allocation.


We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 23rd August 2010 (slot 18 – 21 September 2010) is closed and that the capacity has been allocated.



We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 23rd August 2010 (slot 7-9 September 2010) is closed and that the capacity has been allocated.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation August 2010 - slot September 7th-9th: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot September 7th-9th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request which satisfies the allocation rules conditions by the deadline of Monday August 30th, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the “first-come first-served” rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of September (slot September 7th-9th) see the notice published here below on August 23rd, 2010.  


Spot Regasification Capacity made available for September 2010 (Courtesy translation)

1. Adriatic LNG makes the following spot Regasification Capacity available for subscription for the month of September 2010:


Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

7-9 September 2010

7-8 September 2010


8 September - 8 October

This period can change based on the Access Request delivery date (**)

30 August 2010

18-21 September 2010 (*)

18-20 September 2010


19 September – 19 October

This period can change based on the Access Request delivery date (**)

10 September 2010

(*) Unloading Slot associated to Capacity Released in the month of September 2010
(**) With the aim to guarantee an efficient management of the Terminal, the tanks and the send out, as foreseen by the Provisional Access Code.

2. The applicable tariff is available on the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


3. Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L ("Operating Company") by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the "Deadline" at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta, tel +39 02 6369 8569


4. If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.
Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity. If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible on Business Days from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline. 

5. Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.


6.The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)  17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii) 17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.


7. Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned. The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional:

(i)  Up to 17.01 C.E.T. of the Second Working Day following the Deadline if the Access Request is delivered before the Deadline;

(ii) Up to 17.01 C.E.T. of the Second Working Day following the delivery if the Access Request is delivered after the Deadline.

8.The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:Provisional Access CodeAcrobat

The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

9. The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164. The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code.


10. The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.


11. The terms of this publication are defined in the provisional Access Code.


Spot allocation August 2010: update
We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 22 July 2010 is closed (slot 21-24 August 2010) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation August 2010 - slot August 21st-24th: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot August 21st-24th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Thursday August 12th, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the “first-come first-served” rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of August (slot August 21st-24th) see the notice published here below on July 22nd, 2010.  


Spot allocation August 2010: update

We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 22 July 2010 is closed (slot 5-8 August 2010) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation August 2010 - slot August 5th-8th: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot August 5th-8th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Tuesday July 27th, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the “first-come first-served” rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of August (slot August 5th-8th) see the notice published here below on July 22nd, 2010.  



Spot Regasification Capacity made available for August 2010

A. Adriatic LNG makes the following spot Regasification Capacity available for subscription for the month of August 2010:


Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot (*)

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

5-8 August 2010

5-7 August 2010


6 August-6 September

This period can change based on the Access Request delivery date (**)

27 July 2010

21-24 August 2010

21-23 August 2010


22 August–22 September

This period can change based on the Access Request delivery date (**)

12 August 2010

(*) Unloading Slot associated to Capacity Released in the month of July 2010
(**) With the aim to guarantee an efficient management of the Terminal, the tanks and the send out, as foreseen by the Provisional Access Code.

B. The applicable tariff is available on the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


C. Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L ("Operating Company") by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the "Deadline" at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta

D. If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.
Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity. If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline. 


E. Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.


The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)  17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii) 17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.


F. Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned. The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional:

(i)  Up to 17.01 C.E.T. of the Second Working Day following the Deadline if the Access Request is delivered before the Deadline;

(ii) Up to 17.01 C.E.T. of the Second Working Day following the delivery if the Access Request is delivered after the Deadline.


G. The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:

H. Provisional Access Code Acrobat The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164. The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code.

I. The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.

J. The terms of this publication are defined in the provisional Access Code.


Spot allocation July 2010: update

We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 23 June 2010 is closed (slot 20-23 July 2010) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Spot regasification capacity made available for August 2010

Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Adriatic LNG makes the following spot regasification capacity available for subscription for the month of August 2010:

Commencement and duration of Unloading Slots

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

August 2010 (*)




August 2010 (*)




(*) Unloading Slots associated to Capacity Released in the month of August

The Commencement Date and Duration of the Unloading Slots, the Scheduled Arrival Range, the Redelivery Period and Deadline for the Access Request will be available on this website no later than July 21st following the statement by Adriatic LNG to Users of the Three Month Schedule relating to the months of August, September and October 2010 in accordance with paragraph 3.3.2 of Chapter II Provisional Access Code.

Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)
Spot allocation July 2010 - slot July 20th-23rd: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot July 20th-23rd) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Tuesday June 22nd, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the “first-come first-served” rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of July (slot July 20th-23rd) see the notice published here below on June 18th, 2010.



Spot Regasification Capacity made available for July 2010

Adriatic LNG makes the following spot Regasification Capacity available for subscription for the month of July 2010:


Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

20th -23rd July 2010

20th-22nd July 2010


21st July – 21st August

22nd June 2010 

(*) Unloading Slot associated to Capacity Released in the month of July 2010

The applicable tariff is available on the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service

Applications must reach

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L ("Operating Company") by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the "Deadline" at the following address:


Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta

If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.
Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity.


If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline.  Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.


The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)  17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii) 17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.

Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned. The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional.

The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:

Provisional Access Code Acrobat  The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.


The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164. The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code. The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.



Spot allocation June 2010: update

We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 20 May 2010 is closed (slot 10-13June 2010) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Spot allocation June 2010: update

We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in our publication dated 21 May 2010 is closed (slot 2-5 June 2010) and that the capacity has not been allocated.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation June 2010 - slot June 10th-13th: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot June 10th-13th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Monday May 24th, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the first-come "first-serve-rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of June (slot June 10th-13th) see the notice published here below on May 20th, 2010.  



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation June 2010 - slot June 2nd-5th: update

During the Spot allocation process (slot June 2nd-5th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Thursday May 20th, 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the first-come "first-serve-rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of June (slot June 2nd-5th) see the notice published here below on May 14th, 2010.  



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)
Spot allocation June 2010: update


Adriatic LNG informs that the Commencement of Unloading Slot 22nd -25th June published on May 6th, 2010 changes as follows:


Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

10th -13th June 2010

10th -12th June 2010


11thJune –11th July

24th May


The applicable tariff is available on the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L (“Operating Company”) by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the “Deadline” at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta

If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.
Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity.

If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline.  Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.

The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)  17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii)       (ii)  17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)      (iii) 17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.

Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned.   The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional.

The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:

Provisional Access Code Acrobat The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164.  The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code.

The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation June 2010 - slot June 22nd-25th : update

During the Spot allocation process (slot June 22nd-25th) Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Monday May 17th,  2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the first-come "first-serve-rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of June (slot June 22nd-25th) see the notice published here below on May 6th , 2010.  



Spot regasification capacity made available for June 2010

Adriatic LNG makes the following spot regasification capacity available for subscription for the month of June 2010:

Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

2nd -5th June 2010

2nd - 4 th June 2010


3rd June –3rd July

20th May

 (*) Unloading Slot associated to Capacity Released in the month of June

The applicable tariff is available on the following link: en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L (“Operating Company”) by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the “Deadline” at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta

If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.
Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity.

If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline.  Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.


The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)  17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii)       (ii)  17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)      (iii) 17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.

Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned.   The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional.

The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:

Provisional Access Code Acrobat The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164.  The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code.

The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot regasification capacity made available for June 2010

Adriatic LNG makes the following spot regasification capacity available for subscription for the month of June 2010:

Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

Deadline for the Access Request

22nd -25th June 2010

22nd - 24 th June 2010


23rd June – 23rd July

17th May

June 2010 (*)





(*) Unloading Slot associated to Capacity Released in the month of June

The Commencement Date and Duration of the Unloading Slot, the Scheduled Arrival Range, the Redelivery Period and Deadline for the Access Request will be available on this website no later than May 21st following the statement by Adriatic LNG to Users of the Three Month Schedule relating to the months of June, July and August 2010 in accordance with paragraph 3.3.2 of Chapter II Provisional Access Code.

The applicable tariff is available on the following link:

en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L (“Operating Company”) by registered mail or fax by and no later than 17:00 CET of the “Deadline” at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure

Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta


If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following Business Day from the receipt of the request via fax.  Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.


Access Requests will be prioritized according to article 2.4.3 (b) chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.

Pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, if multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use a draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity.


If by the Deadline no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity, if still available, in accordance with the first-come-first-served-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  In this case the receipt of first-come-first-served Access Requests is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET starting from the Business Day following the Deadline.  Spot Capacity will remain available up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled, without notice, due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal required to redeliver the Gas resulting from the LNG associated with the Spot Capacity in question.


The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)        17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the Deadline if the Access Request is sent by the Deadline;

(ii)       17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the Deadline if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)      17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the delivery of the Request, if it has been sent after the Deadline and up to 4 (four) Business Days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.

Instructions for Access Requests are provided in the Provisional Access Code and in particular Annex (a), paragraph b) of Article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and Article 10.1 of Chapter III.  In addition, the application must contain a copy of this publication countersigned.   The request is binding, irrevocable and unconditional.


The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:


Provisional Access Code Acrobat The courtesy translation of the Provisional Access Code will be available on request.

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the Access Code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164.  The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the Access Code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the Access Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore after approval of the Access Code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the Access Code will replace the Provisional Access Code.

The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.





Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot allocation May 2010: update

During the Spot allocation process Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline of Thursday 22 April 2010 at 17.00 CET (“Deadline”). Therefore the first-come "first-serve-rule provided in comma" (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. For further information about the Spot Capacity Subscription for the month of May see the notice published here below on 16 April 2010.  



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Spot regasification capacity made available



Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (m3 liquid)

Redelivery Period

12th  - 15th May 2010

12th  - 14th May 2010


13th May - 13th June 2010

The applicable tariff is available at the following link:

en > Business > Regasification service > Thermal year 2009 10 > Tariff > Spot Service


Applications must reach Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L (“Operating Company”) by registered mail or fax by and no later than 22nd (twenty-two) April 2010 at 17:00 CET (“Deadline”) to the following addresses:


Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure


Att. Dr.ssa Roberta Pirotta


If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail and, in any case, no later than 17:00 CET the following day. Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted

If, pursuant to applicable regulations and/or Provisional Access Code, multiple requests are received by the Deadline and would be given the same priority, Operating Company will use draw with a notary to assign the Spot capacity.


If by the submission deadline of 17:00 CET on 22nd April 2010 no requests for capacity have been received, the Operating Company will assign Spot capacity in accordance with the first-come-first-serve-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Provisional Access Code.  The reception of the Access Request is possible from 8:30 CET to 17:00 CET up to and including 22nd April 2010.  Beyond the Deadline the Spot Capacity will be available up to 4 (four) Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Operating Company will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled due to one of the following events (list indicative and non exhaustive): non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the Unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal to inject the Gas resulting from the LNG which is the object of the Spot Capacity on behalf of the User.


The Operating Company undertakes to notify applicants of the results, including the possible acceptance, by:

(i)        17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day from the aforementioned date;

(ii)       17:00 CET 2 (two) Business Days from the aforementioned date if there is a need to make a draw with a notary;

(iii)      17:00 CET 1 (one) Business Day later for requests delivered after the deadline and up to 4 (four) days before the Scheduled arrival range if the Spot capacity is not cancelled.


The contractual documentation – Provisional Access Code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the Provisional Access Code) – is available at the following link:


Provisional Access Code Acrobat The courtesy translation of the provisional Access Code will be available on request.

The Provisional Access Code applies until replaced by the access code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164.  The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the access code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23rd May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the Provisional Access Code.

The regulations of the access code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore After approval of the access code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the access code will replace the provisional access code.

The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.


We inform that the spot capacity allocation process provided in Our publication dated 16 November 2009 is closed and that the capacity has been allocated.



Spot allocation December 2009


During the Spot allocation process Adriatic LNG has received no access request by the deadline at 18.00 CET on Monday 23 November 2009. Therefore the first-come first-serve-rules provided in comma (e) article 2.4.3 chapter II of the Access Code applies. The reception of the Access Request is possible from 8.30 C.E.T to 17.00 C.E.T. on Tuesday 24 November 2009. Beyond the deadline of 24 November 2009 at 17.00 CET the Spot Capacity will be available up to 3 (three) Days before the Scheduled Arrival Range, however Terminale GNL Adriatico will not guarantee the availability of the published Spot capacity which can be modified and/or cancelled following one of the following event (list indicative and non exhaustive) : non fulfillment of a schedule, rescheduling of the Unloading slots, maintenance, operational need to maintain the tank heel for all the Users, transportation capacity available downstream of the Terminal to inject the Gas resulting from the LNG which is the object of the Spot Capacity on behalf of the User.



Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding)

Thermal Year 2009/2010 Spot capacity


In this section we publish the spot regassification capacity made available for spot capacity allocation.


Spot regasification capacity made available


Commencement and duration of Unloading Slot

Scheduled Arrival Range

Maximum volume of LNG that can be unloaded (cm liquid)

Redelivery Period


2nd - 4th  December 2009



2nd - 3rd December 2009




3rd - 31st December 2009


Applications must reach us by registered mail or fax by and no later than 23 (twenty-third) November 2009 at 18:00 C.E.T. to the following addresses:


Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.L

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Spot capacity allocation procedure


Att. Dr. Stefano Grassi


The Operator shall notify the results to the applicants including the Acceptance, if any, within 1 (one) Business Day at 17:00 C.E.T. from the aforementioned date.


The contents of the application are specified in the access code, specifically in Appendix (a), at point b) of article 2.4.6 of Chapter II and at article 10.1 of Chapter III.

The application is binding, irrevocable and unconditional.


The contractual documentation – provisional access code and contract for spot capacity (i.e. Appendix Part V of the provisional access code) – is available at the following link:

 Codice di Accesso Provvisorio

The provisional access code applies until replaced by the access code cleared by Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23 May 2000 no. 164. The Operating Company and the User therefore unconditionally accept (i) the terms and conditions of the access code which will be approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority pursuant to Decree of 23 May 2000 no. 164 as well as (ii) the terms and conditions approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority in modification of the provisional access code.

The regulations of the access code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority will constitute an integral part of the spot capacity contract and will apply to the spot capacity contract as described therefore After approval of the access code by the Gas and Electric Power Authority, the approved text of the access code will replace the provisional access code.


The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the Spot capacity offer.


Courtesy English Translation (not binding – only the Italian version is binding).



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