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Monthly Capacity Subscription – Thermal Year 2015/2016 - Rules

1) Adriatic LNG makes available during the month M the Available Capacity as published on Electronic Communication System.

The publication of Monthly Capacity Subscription for the Month M shall be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and delivered together with the Access Request.

2) The applicable tariff by the Operating Company is the Regasification and Metering Tariff in force for each relevant period as published on the Adriatic LNG Web site and hereinafter attached.

From January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015 en > Business > Regasification service > TARIFF > Tariff 2015   Tariff 2015 Acrobat

From January 1st 2016 to December 31st 2016 en > Business > Regasification service > TARIFF > Tariff 2016

The above attachment shall be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and delivered together with the Access Request.

3) Access Requests must reach us by registered mail or fax no later than the first Business Day at 17:00 C.E.T. of Month M at the following address:

Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l

Piazza Repubblica 14/16

20124 Milano (MI), Italy

Fax +39.02.63698213

Monthly Subscription capacity allocation procedure   


4) If the Access Request is sent by fax the original documentation shall be sent in due time by registered mail or hand delivered and, in any case, no later than the third Business Day at 17.00 C.E.T. of Month M. Access request and/or original documentation received after these deadlines will not be accepted.

5) Any application shall be binding, irrevocable and unconditional until 23:59 of the tenth Business Day of Month M.

6) The Operating Company shall notify the results to the applicants including an Acceptance, a Modified Acceptance, an Interim Notice or notice of rejection as the case may be, on or before the third Business Day of Month M.

7) The contents of the Access Request, the Subscription Allocation Criteria and the Access Conditions are described in the Applicable Regulation and in the Regasification Code.  The Regasification Code is an integral part of the Capacity Agreement.

8) The Regasification Code approved by the Gas and Electric Power Authority with the Resolution Arg/Gas 57/11 is available at the following link Regasification Code

9) The provisions of this publication are an integral and substantial part of the capacity offer under the Monthly Subscription process. Copy of the publication, in the form attached, must be signed by the legal representative of the Applicant and be delivered in conjunction with the Access Request. Monthly Capacity sub_rules_tariff TY 15 16


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